Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rowing Machines

When using a rowing machine, initiate the stroke with your legs, not your arms, to get the most out of your workout. Synchronize your movements so you finish the stroke with your legs straight and your arms bent, with the handle at your lower chest. Then you can pull yourself forward with your feet in their straps, extend your arms, and be ready for the next stroke. Rowing machines are good for total body conditioning, as well as a great aerobic workout.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After you straigthen your legs, you follow throught by leaning back about 15 degress, and then following through with your arms. Once you reach this point, it is important to bring your arms straight away from your body,bring your body upright, and bring your legs to a vertcal position. This is called the recovery stroke and it should take twice as long as the drive stroke. You chould coordinate your breathing with your strokes. Inhale on the drive stroke and exhale on the recovery stroke.